Installation & Performance

She goes Bloom!
- No.28, Belper
A retrospective of work created throughout the past 20years to celebrate her 50th birthday (aka the 'Second Spring') along with 50 x bobbins from the local Mill, wrapped in fabrics representing different significant periods/events in her life, with cress growing from the tops.
- No.28, Belper
A retrospective of work created throughout the past 20years to celebrate her 50th birthday (aka the 'Second Spring') along with 50 x bobbins from the local Mill, wrapped in fabrics representing different significant periods/events in her life, with cress growing from the tops.

Extinction Rebellion Red Rebel Brigade
- Wirksworth Arts Festival
- Wirksworth Arts Festival

Oh deer, deer,'s all so dear!
- Belper Festival 'Open Houses'
Money decoupaged onto wooden antler sculptures suspended from trees symbolising our continued recession
- Belper Festival 'Open Houses'
Money decoupaged onto wooden antler sculptures suspended from trees symbolising our continued recession

The Enlightened Refuge(e)
- Belper Art Trail, Unitarian Chapel
In direct opposition to Trumps Mexican wall & Muslim travel ban is this banner of Acceptance. Installed at this historic chapel, which welcomes all religions and none-religions, was the first place to have a same sex marriage and displays their own rainbow flag.
- Belper Art Trail, Unitarian Chapel
In direct opposition to Trumps Mexican wall & Muslim travel ban is this banner of Acceptance. Installed at this historic chapel, which welcomes all religions and none-religions, was the first place to have a same sex marriage and displays their own rainbow flag.

The Sign of the Oxymoron
- Belper Festival & Derby Museum 'Everyone' exhibition
Two opposing words painted onto a series of 32 x signs and installed around Belper town.
- Belper Festival & Derby Museum 'Everyone' exhibition
Two opposing words painted onto a series of 32 x signs and installed around Belper town.

Planet Popcorn Philanthropy
- Belper Festival & Wirksworth festival
Housed in two independent cinemas, thousands of pieces of popcorn individually pinned onto spheres and suspended along with a series of pimped-up Oscars to reflect the different genres of film.
- Belper Festival & Wirksworth festival
Housed in two independent cinemas, thousands of pieces of popcorn individually pinned onto spheres and suspended along with a series of pimped-up Oscars to reflect the different genres of film.

Running Scared Part 2
- Wirksworth Festival
Literally walking in each others shoes as a comment on not judging refugees
- Wirksworth Festival
Literally walking in each others shoes as a comment on not judging refugees

"The Sizeable Stocking"
Belper North Mill
15m french knitted raw cotton tube (as the original stockings were made) suspended in front of a wall of old cotton bobbins
Belper North Mill
15m french knitted raw cotton tube (as the original stockings were made) suspended in front of a wall of old cotton bobbins

"The Nail Chandelier of Circular Energy"
Belper North Mill water wheel basement
Bicycle wheels and old rusty nails cast in resin suspended with fairy lights
Belper North Mill water wheel basement
Bicycle wheels and old rusty nails cast in resin suspended with fairy lights

"Hairy Fairy"
M & Co shop window, King Street, Belper Arts Trail
Pictures of Madonna's viral selfie with hairy armpits and shop mannequin legs covered thickly in real hair with fairy wings suspended with pictures of iconic female figures/celebrities that have hairy armpits
M & Co shop window, King Street, Belper Arts Trail
Pictures of Madonna's viral selfie with hairy armpits and shop mannequin legs covered thickly in real hair with fairy wings suspended with pictures of iconic female figures/celebrities that have hairy armpits

"Water Wheel Wave Music Mill Machine"
- Cromford Mill Gallery
Knitted tape cassettes, sound piece, spray painted washing machine as a nod to Kate Bush's 'Mrs Barlotozzi' (which references washing machine many times) and the mill water wheel outside the door
- Cromford Mill Gallery
Knitted tape cassettes, sound piece, spray painted washing machine as a nod to Kate Bush's 'Mrs Barlotozzi' (which references washing machine many times) and the mill water wheel outside the door

"Podium of non-judgementalism"
Charity Shop DJ - Southbank Vintage Festival, London
Interactive hairbrush singing to chosen vinyl
Charity Shop DJ - Southbank Vintage Festival, London
Interactive hairbrush singing to chosen vinyl

"Have your cake and eat it!"
Lincoln Drill Hall & Drama student live art project
Decoupaged tables, decorated cakes, monopoly money, party hats with words, hazard tape, floor brushes and door mats. Representing their seven deadly sins.
Lincoln Drill Hall & Drama student live art project
Decoupaged tables, decorated cakes, monopoly money, party hats with words, hazard tape, floor brushes and door mats. Representing their seven deadly sins.

'You are what you eat'
- Wirksworth Festival Cromford Pub, Derby
Earth painted cattle branding marks
- Wirksworth Festival Cromford Pub, Derby
Earth painted cattle branding marks

'Tweet Tweet'
Calke Abbey National Trust Stables, Derbyshire
Blinged-up bird boxes symbolising different Derby industries
Calke Abbey National Trust Stables, Derbyshire
Blinged-up bird boxes symbolising different Derby industries

'You are a diamond'
Belper Open Houses, Derbyshire
Gems onto birdbox at the time of the Diamond Jubilee, inside seen by shining a torch into the hole it says 'YOU are a diamond!'
Belper Open Houses, Derbyshire
Gems onto birdbox at the time of the Diamond Jubilee, inside seen by shining a torch into the hole it says 'YOU are a diamond!'

'Fuel, Fire, Food'
- British Council, Kano, Nigeria
Mud bricks and paraphenalia representing the lack of fuel and food and the abundance of fire
- British Council, Kano, Nigeria
Mud bricks and paraphenalia representing the lack of fuel and food and the abundance of fire

'A Clear breath from the Metropolis'
Residency at The Orangery, Arboretum Park, Derby
Video performance installation celebrating the history of the first public park in the world
Residency at The Orangery, Arboretum Park, Derby
Video performance installation celebrating the history of the first public park in the world

'Balance Columbus'
- Degree show, Liverpool university
Acrylic paint and collage against Fascism when BNP were on the rise
- Degree show, Liverpool university
Acrylic paint and collage against Fascism when BNP were on the rise

'Elemental my dear'
- Q Arts, Derby
My own hair and tar covered book
- Q Arts, Derby
My own hair and tar covered book

'Angel Cake'
- Hollywood or Spoon performance art group: Wirksworth Festival
Whole room painted pink
- Hollywood or Spoon performance art group: Wirksworth Festival
Whole room painted pink

- Hollywood or Spoon performance art group: Belper Mill exhibition
Mummyfying me to represent the smothering of the slave trade through the cotton industry
- Hollywood or Spoon performance art group: Belper Mill exhibition
Mummyfying me to represent the smothering of the slave trade through the cotton industry

'I C Thru U'
- Hollywood or Spoon performance art group: The Big Green Gathering Festival, Gloucester
Walking meditation across a 1mile site
- Hollywood or Spoon performance art group: The Big Green Gathering Festival, Gloucester
Walking meditation across a 1mile site

'Veiled Silence'
- Hollywood or Spoon performance art group: Wirksworth Festival
The feeling of seeing and being/not being seen through the choice or not of wearing the veil
- Hollywood or Spoon performance art group: Wirksworth Festival
The feeling of seeing and being/not being seen through the choice or not of wearing the veil

'Whose a pretty boy then?'
- Hollywood or Spoon performance art group: Caravan rural arts tour
Blair vs Bush in a Punch and Judy re-enactment during the Iraq war
- Hollywood or Spoon performance art group: Caravan rural arts tour
Blair vs Bush in a Punch and Judy re-enactment during the Iraq war

- Hollywood or Spoon performance art group: Belper arts night
Campaign to not let Tesco get into Belper (we won!) through an interactive Tescopoly game
- Hollywood or Spoon performance art group: Belper arts night
Campaign to not let Tesco get into Belper (we won!) through an interactive Tescopoly game

'Running Scared'
- Hollywood or Spoon performance art group: Wirksworth & Belper Festival
Chalking the pavement as we literally walk in someonesle's shoes to reflect empathy towards immigrants
- Hollywood or Spoon performance art group: Wirksworth & Belper Festival
Chalking the pavement as we literally walk in someonesle's shoes to reflect empathy towards immigrants

'Making HER visible'
- International Women's day performance, Nottingham city centre
Hosting a Pink-nic in the city centre with all pink food
- International Women's day performance, Nottingham city centre
Hosting a Pink-nic in the city centre with all pink food

'The Mothers' post-natal punk-pop band
New York, Derby, Derbyshire, Leicester, Nottingham - various venues
Mother inspired songs performed in parks, schools, pubs, village halls, festivals, nightclubs
New York, Derby, Derbyshire, Leicester, Nottingham - various venues
Mother inspired songs performed in parks, schools, pubs, village halls, festivals, nightclubs

- Q Arts, Derby: Shopping centre, Derby
Sewing stories onto ourselves in a busy shopping centre reclaiming traditional crafts
- Q Arts, Derby: Shopping centre, Derby
Sewing stories onto ourselves in a busy shopping centre reclaiming traditional crafts

'Gagging for freedom'
- Liverpool College
Photo performance piece about gender liberation
- Liverpool College
Photo performance piece about gender liberation

"Happy Days"
Lite Night event Nottingham City Centre
Interactive 60 second 'happy' survey
Lite Night event Nottingham City Centre
Interactive 60 second 'happy' survey

'Earth Mother: Mother Earth'
- Caravan arts group: Belper arts trail
Video piece of covering myself in mud during pregnancy
- Caravan arts group: Belper arts trail
Video piece of covering myself in mud during pregnancy

'Cotton on to the slave trade'
Caravan arts group: Belper Mill exhibition
Bound dolls from around the world on cotton reels
Caravan arts group: Belper Mill exhibition
Bound dolls from around the world on cotton reels

'Screaming trees'
SLANG outdoor exhibition, Belper
Masks with slogans onto trees against pollution by a busy road
SLANG outdoor exhibition, Belper
Masks with slogans onto trees against pollution by a busy road

'You are what you eat': genetically modified food
The Queens Head, Wirksworth
Written messages carved into food
The Queens Head, Wirksworth
Written messages carved into food

'Genetic engineering'
Crompton pub, Derby
Doll assemblage
Crompton pub, Derby
Doll assemblage

'Elemental my dear'
Q Arts, Derby
Acrylic painting
Q Arts, Derby
Acrylic painting

'Spontaneous combustion'
Grizedale Forest sculpture park light night event, Lake District
Spontaneous combustion due to genetically modified food
Grizedale Forest sculpture park light night event, Lake District
Spontaneous combustion due to genetically modified food

'Cotton to the slave trade'
Caravan arts group: Belper Mill exhibition
Tights with embroidered slogans, stuffed with cotton wool and speared with nails (Belper industry was historically cotton tights and nails)
Caravan arts group: Belper Mill exhibition
Tights with embroidered slogans, stuffed with cotton wool and speared with nails (Belper industry was historically cotton tights and nails)

'You are what you eat'
Conkers National Forest, Moira
Split canvas acrylic painting comment on multinationals playing around with our food chain
Conkers National Forest, Moira
Split canvas acrylic painting comment on multinationals playing around with our food chain

'Earth Mother: Mother Earth'
- Caravan arts group: Belper arts trail
Photo printed bibs and milk bottles after recently giving birth
- Caravan arts group: Belper arts trail
Photo printed bibs and milk bottles after recently giving birth

'Elemental my dear'
Q Arts, Derby
Q Arts, Derby

'Cotton to the slave trade'
Caravan arts group: Belper Mill exhibition
Cotton lined bucket with photo print
Caravan arts group: Belper Mill exhibition
Cotton lined bucket with photo print

'The cotton catwalk of the upturned Ark'
- ARK empty shop, Derby City Council
Wooden dinghy (i.e. my Ark) lined with mirrors and origami map boats after the major floods in Pakistan
- ARK empty shop, Derby City Council
Wooden dinghy (i.e. my Ark) lined with mirrors and origami map boats after the major floods in Pakistan

'The skys the limit'
- Deda, No Parking arts group
Derby Dance centre architecture plans made into 200 origami birds uplit in the window
- Deda, No Parking arts group
Derby Dance centre architecture plans made into 200 origami birds uplit in the window

'Earth skirt deity'
- Groundwork: St.Annes allotment, Nottingham
A shed shrine where people were invited to paint me with earth paint made from the allotment
- Groundwork: St.Annes allotment, Nottingham
A shed shrine where people were invited to paint me with earth paint made from the allotment

- City Arts, Nottingham: refugee event
Suitcases sprayed gold and filled with soil and foods from different countries. Performance with music and rituals about the journeys of refugees
- City Arts, Nottingham: refugee event
Suitcases sprayed gold and filled with soil and foods from different countries. Performance with music and rituals about the journeys of refugees

'Changing landscape'
Belper arts trail: BAM
Blank picture frame suspended from a tree in a garden for you to create your own chosen landscape
Belper arts trail: BAM
Blank picture frame suspended from a tree in a garden for you to create your own chosen landscape

'Its all in the tea leaves'
Belper arts trail: BAM
Cups with messages written in tea leaves in a cafe shop window
Belper arts trail: BAM
Cups with messages written in tea leaves in a cafe shop window

'There goes my nest egg'
Belper arts trail: BAM
Embroidered plant bases with broken eggs underneath suspended from trees
Belper arts trail: BAM
Embroidered plant bases with broken eggs underneath suspended from trees

'Dirty Money'
Belper arts trail: BAM
Door mats with slogans and floor brushes
Belper arts trail: BAM
Door mats with slogans and floor brushes